Listed here are links that I have found to be invaluable in my online research. Some of the commercial sites offer fee-based services; others are free; while some offer a mixture of both free and fee-based services as noted. When visiting the personal pages of our other Huffines family researchers, please observe their copyrights, and extend the utmost courtesy by requesting to copy their material for your own personal use.
Should you have additional links that you have found useful, please contact me.
General History Links
Our Timelines - Ever wonder what was happening in the world at the time an ancestor was alive? Well, now, you can find out. Excellent and informative site!
Personal Webpages Devoted to the Huffines Surname
Chuck Huffine's Genealogy Page - A great new site devoted to the descendents of Phillip Huffine
Randy Huffines Family's History - Owned by Randy Huffines
Wagnon - Gamblin Genealogy: Huffines Page - Owned by Paul and Ramona Wagnon
Jackson County Specific Sites
Jackson County, Tennessee Historical Society - Odie Dixon, in combination with the Jackson County Historical Society, has designed and developed this webpage as a central location for various information concerning Jackson County, Tennessee and our ancestors who lived there. Among the gems on this site are photos, various records, and links to family specific sites. This is a terrific site, and one well worth checking out!
Repositories and Libraries Online
Tennessee State Library & Archives: Tenessee History and Genealogy - A great site for Tennessee-specific research. Has some records and indexes available online.
Books Relevant to Tennessee History and Records
Byron Sistler and Associates, Inc. - Byron Sistler and Associates have been publishing books relevant to Tennessee history for many years. An excellent resource for both general history and specific records.
Sites Offering Free Genealogy Services
The American Civil War Homepage - This site is great for those of us interested in studying the history of the Civil War and those who fought.
Ancestral Findings - This is an excellent resource for those of us who live far away from the site of our primary research.
Ancestry Connections Surname Registry - This is a great site devoted to the registering of surname specific genealogy sites.
Civil War Soldiers and Sailors System - Hosted by a cooperative of public and private entities, including the National Park Service, this site features a fully searchable database over more than 2 million individuals who fought for both the USA and CSA in the Civil War. This site is continuing to grow and will soon house more than 5.4 million names.
Family Tree Maker - Search the growing number of contributor submitted family trees.
GenCircles - An exciting new way to find your ancestors through contributions made by submittors like you.
Gen Forum - Connect with other researching your same family lines.
Huffines Family Message Board
Huffines Gen Forum
Jackson County TN GenWeb - Excellent resource for Jackson County specific research, with transcribed primary records and general information about the county and the people who lived there.
LDS Family Search - Search a growing number of records from the vast collection of the LDS Church based in Salt Lake City, Utah.
TN GenWeb - Choose from among the 98 Tennessee counties or do a complete state search.
US GenWeb - One of the most comprehensive sites for primary records pertaining to the United States available online.

Commercial Sites Offering Free & Fee-Based Genealogy Services
- Free services include access to their growing number of contributor submitted family trees and the US Social Security Death Index. Fee-based or subscription services include assess to their vast collection of books, primary documents and records, including selected years of the census images.
Everton's Genealogical Helper - Choose from their free services including a free search of their collection of databases, genealogy tutorials, and some selected information. Fee-based services include access to databases such as the Vietnam Memorial Database, Social Security Index with over 60 million names, and a host of other site specific and general databases.
- Peruse a growing list of databases, books, census records, including images of the 1850 census, and much, much more., where your history is waiting . . .
Kindred Konnections - Free services may be obtained through their Extraction Project on an as needed basis. For every record you extract, you earn one hour of free search time that enables you to access the entire wealth of information on the site. It's worth checking out.