As we all know well in this day of disposable spouses, divorce is an unfortunate reality in this world. Though divorces of yesteryear were considerably more serious and were less often sought, they did occur. Divorces can contain a good bit of genealogical information, and though, they usually detail one of the worst times in the life of an ancestor, they provide a human touch to the names and sterile data that is often the only connection we have to them.
Below are the Huffines divorce records that I have at my disposal. Some are mere naratives of the actual cases, while others are transcriptions of the documents as found in court records and contributed by visitors to this site. In the cases of transcription, I have taken the liberty to punctuate and correct mispellings and other errors when the true intent is clear. If you have a divorce case that you would like to share with other researchers, I would be happy to include it on this site.

1860 - The Divorce of Jane Witcher - Prior to her marriage to William Witcher, Jane was the widow of James Huffines. This document was found and generously provided by Charlene Carver McClain. Charlene has been researching the Huffines family of Jackson County for many years. Thanks, Charlene, for sharing a portion of your collection of documents.
1872 - The Divorce of Sarah Jane Huffines - Sarah Jane Huffines was the wife of Daniel H. Huffines of Jackson County, Tennessee. This synopsis was taken from the microfilm holdings at the Tennessee State Library and Archives.
1878 - The Divorce of Margaret Huffines - Coming Soon
1884 - The Divorce of Sarah Ray Huffines Williford - Sarah Ray Huffines Williford was first the wife of Riley Washington Huffines. She married second, Jerry Williford, which marriage ended in the complaint of divorce alledging "failure to provide" and "cruel and inhuman treatment". This document was generously found, transcribed, and provided by Huffines family research, Charlene McClain, 25 Mar 2002. Many thanks to Charlene for sharing.
1892 - Edith Huffines vs A. S. Huffines