Obituary of William Hufhines

Background: William Huffines was the son of Daniel Huffines and Mary Teel. To my knowledge, this obituary is the one and only time Mary Teel Huffines is referred to as ‘Jane’. William Huffines was the husband of Jane Katherine Teel and father of six children.

Source: This obituary was generously found, transcribed and shared by Charlene Carver McClain, April 2002. Many thanks to Charlene for her hard work and dedication to the continuation of the Huffines family research.


Departed this life in great peace, June 20, 1857, WILLIAM HUFHINES, son of DANIEL AND JANE HUFHINES, aged 41 years and 11 months. Brother H. was born in Smith, but raised in Jackson Co., Tenn. He professed religion and joined the M. E. Church (Methodist) in the fall of 1835, in which he lived until death. He had been a child of affliction for the last four years of his life: he suffered greatly with a cancer of his ear; and during his last days, he was thought to be consumptive. Just a few days before his death, I called in to see him when he was suffering violently. He requested me to remain until that sick spell passed off, for he wished to talk with me concerning his preparation for death. After the lapse of an hour, I approached his bed. He told me that he was ready to die, and that he didn't fear death. He frequently rejoiced with his brethren when they visited him, and exhorted them to be more faithful in God's service. But he is gone, leaving an aged father, brothers, and sisters, and an affectionate companion and six children to mourn their loss.

Signed: J. B. Allison
