Beginning Date: 15 Apr 1910
Projected Completion Date: 15 May 1910
Data included in this Enumeration:
Name; Relationship to Head of Household; Sex; Race; Age at last birthday; Marital Status and length of present marriage; Numbers of children born to a mother and number of those still living; Birthplace (Individual, Father, Mother); If of foreign birth, year of immigration and citizenship status; Language spoken; Occupation, type of industry, and whether employer, employee, or self-employed; Number of weeks unemployed in 1909; Literacy; School Attendance since 1 Sep 1909; If home was rented or owned, free or mortgaged, house or farm; If a veteran of the Union or Confederate army or navy; Affirmities
Special Notes:
The 1910 census microfilms are poor, rendering some pages completely illegible. The Soundex/Index for this census year is also lacking in efficiency and totality. Many individual's names are missing from the index though the person is indeed on the actual microfilm. One should consider this when searching this particular census.